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Arndale Board Connection Guide

Arndale Board Detail 2.jpg

Hardware Schematics

Cpu Board

Base Board

WiFi+BT+GPS Module

SWB-A51H Module

WiFi+BT+GPS+FM Module (Arndale board-k / Upgrade Package)

MT6620 Module

Audio Module

WM1811A & AK4678 Module

AK4953 Module (Arndale board-k / Upgrade package)

Camera Module

8M Pixel & 5M Pixel Camera

Display Module

Pre-built Images of Android Jelly Bean for Arndale Board

Proprietary for Arndale Board

Proprietaries for vendor & other peripherals

How to Download Source Tree

Installing Repo

Repo is a tool that makes it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. For more information about Repo, see Version Control.

To install, initialize, and configure Repo, follow these steps:

  • Make sure you have a bin/ directory in your home directory, and that it is included in your path:
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
  • Download the Repo script and ensure it is executable:
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
  • For version 1.17, the SHA-1 checksum for repo is ddd79b6d5a7807e911b524cb223bc3544b661c28

Initializing a Repo client

After installing Repo, set up your client to access the android source repository:

  • Create an empty directory to hold your working files. If you're using MacOS, this has to be on a case-sensitive filesystem. Give it any name you like:
  • Run repo init to bring down the latest version of Repo with all its most recent bug fixes. You must specify a URL for the manifest, which specifies where the various repositories included in the Android source will be placed within your working directory.
$ repo init -u git:// -b jb
  • To check out a branch other than "jb", specify it with -b:

A successful initialization will end with a message stating that Repo is initialized in your working directory. Your client directory should now contain a .repo directory where files such as the manifest will be kept.

Getting the files

To pull down files to your working directory from the repositories as specified in the default manifest, run

$ repo sync

The Android source files will be located in your working directory under their project names. The initial sync operation will take an hour or more to complete.
For more about repo sync and other Repo commands, see Version Control.

Download proprietary for Eyxnos5250

Download proprietary archive, to root of android source tree.

Make it executable and run it:

$ chmod +x
$ ./

Download proprietary archive for other peripherals, to root of android source tree.

Make it executable and run it:

$ chmod +x
$ ./

It show license of it's contents. After agree it by typing "I ACCEPT", proprietary files will be extracted under vendor/samsung_slsi/exynos5250/

Software Guides

Host Environment setup guide

How to download source tree

How to build Android system

How to flash a Device

Hardware Guides

Common Resource

Cross compiler for Linux host

Fastboot & Adb for Linux host

USB driver for Windows

More Information

For more information, please visit below site. We will update for your information.



Upstream Community

Samsung System LSI

Insignal Git

Android Board Informations of Linaro